Choosing a Green Web Hosting Provider

At Mediumcube we feel a strong responsibility as an organization to protect and develop our surrounding environment. With that responsibility comes a vision to reduce our carbon footprint released by the use of computer equipments, and find ways to generate power through the use of more green technologies.
We found the most essential part of a green web hosting is to utilize a green source of power to run the servers, switches and other hardware components needed to maintain the web hosting service. Thereafter, it was important not waste energy. Last, we’d to ensure our equipments aging equipments are disposed of in a way not damaging to the environment.
So we started in our journey to becoming a green web host. After many years of hard work, we’ve achieved a level of conservation and eco-friendly that we feel proud to share it with you. Below are some of the steps we’ve taken to being your choice for a green web host:

  • The utility company powering our datacenter is renowned across North America for their innovative renewable energy generation. In fact, 97% of Hydro-Québec energy is produced from renewable alternative energy sources mainly water turbines and hydroelectric dams. Additionally, Hydro-Québec supports the development of wind energy through purchases from independent power producers. It also conducts research in energy-related fields such as energy efficiency.

  • Our servers utilize thermally designed chassis designed by industry leading computer manufacturers Intel, HP and Supermicro to take advantage of air circulation and therefore reducing the need for high powered cooling and thus reduces power consumption.

  • They say size matters. Such is the same in datacenters. Servers can range in size from 1U (1.75″) to 4U (7″ thick) or even full towers. The bigger the server, the more power it will require and more heat it will generate hence needing more cooling. In our datacenter, we put all efforts into using 1U based servers, taking the least amount of space and generating the least amount of power/heat.

  • We do utilize electronic invoicing and accounting systems with least amount of paper waste. This includes sending all invoices electronically by default. Requesting from our suppliers to send us bills and further communications strictly in electronic formats. Inside the office, we stress the importance of using recycled paper and print non-essential materials on both sides of the page.

Though we’ve taken many steps to reduce our effect on the environment, we do know there are many more things can be done. But hopefully if all hosting companies follow our example, we’ll be able to sustain our environment for many generations to come.