Google Reviews and Local SEO

google reviews and local SEOEver wonder about the importance of Google Reviews and Local SEO? We found this great article on which explains the significance.

The Importance of Google Reviews and Local SEO

“Your company’s reputation plays a large role in local organic search rankings. For example, if your company is listed in every major local business directory and you’re mentioned on local news sources regularly, and if great user reviews of your business dot the web, you’ll likely rank higher than if just the reverse occurs: You’re rarely mentioned and your reviews are poor.”

The Multiple Benefits of Reviews
  • “Lots of good reviews can increase your business’s local rankings in search engines. Currently, Google displays the “top three” most relevant businesses for any given query. When someone searches for a business in your area that’s like yours, Google uses customer ratings as a major determining factor for whom it places in those top three spots.”
  • “Better reviews mean you’ll get more clicks once you’re ranked. Imagine that you’re looking for a specific kind of restaurant, and you’re met with three options: One has an average five stars, while the other two have an average two stars. Which one will you click? Rankings are nice, but qualified traffic is even better.”
  • “Better reviews mean more business. Customer reviews are a subjective yet reliable credibility score that let other potential customers know whether your business is a good choice.”

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