Web Designers SEO

This was like finding a self-help piece online. One secret – the web designers SEO tips here work for all small businesses.

Web Designers SEO – Make Time for These 5 Essentials

Web designers SEO is really no different from any other small business SEO success road maps. These are the five essentials according to the article. They are five OF the essentials – and a great starting point – for any small business.

  1. Build SEO Into Your Plan From the Beginning
  2. Use Longtail Keywords
  3. Sitemaps
  4. Keyword your URLs, Descriptions and Page Titles
  5. Use Google Search Console

Source: http://www.business2community.com/seo/seo-for-web-designers-make-time-for-these-5-essentials-01338860#y5B1r3WqE58Kuph1.97

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